Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What services do you offer?

I offer a range of grant management services, including researching grant opportunities, drafting grant applications to government contracts, and foundations to editing and consulting.  I also help clients develop relationships with the grantors by assisting, communicating, and writing grant reports.

  1. What is your grant writing success rate?

Many factors deliver a grant success, the strength of the applicant’s program, board of directors, finances, objectives, and accomplishment; the funder’s preferences, a competitive application. However, GrantWriters do not determine these factors have nor do they have any influence on the decision-making.  Therefore, it isn’t easy to measure success rate; however, having a long track record of working with repeat clients who can attest to my skills and contributions.

  1. Am I guaranteed to receive a Grant?

There is no guarantee of being awarded a grant.  However, hiring an experienced grant writer does increase the chances of being awarded a grant.  Without a grant writer, the average is a 1 in 10 chance.  Grant proposals that professional grant writers prepare usually have a 60% chance of approval.

  1. Are there grants available for small start-up businesses?

Few grants are available; the majority of grants are targeted toward non-profit organizations.  But there are some government grants available.

  1. What is the success rate for a new organization receiving a grant?

Most funders look for a long track record of success before considering your application.  In addition, they usually ask for three years of financial documents as part of the submission.  You will be competing with well-established non-profits for limited grant funds.  However, I encourage non-profits to hold off on applying for a grant, and let’s focus on becoming “grant ready.”

  1. How Much Notice Does a Grant Writer Need?

If you have a particular grant you wish to apply for, please give no less than 30 days’ notice before the deadline depending on the complexity of the application.  It may take up to four weeks to research, write, edit, and submit to guarantee successful completion.

  1. Will Grant Writers Work on a contingency basis or success fee?

Grantors frown upon contingency fees, and many will not fund your organization if they find out you paid a Consultant using their funds.  Not only is this unethical, but it goes against the state, federal, and foundation funding guidelines. If a funder were ever to find out that a grant writer was paid a percentage of the grant award, at the very least, the grant would be rescinded, and at worst, there could be legal consequences.  I am paid for my time and expertise, even if the proposal is not successful.  Whether by the hour or project.

  1. How much are your fees?

My consultant fees vary depending on the type of services requested.

  1. How Does the Payment Work After the Contract is signed?

You do not pay everything upfront. A retainer fee is required before work starts with large and recurring projects. Invoices will be sent every two weeks for large projects and monthly for small projects, with payment due within 15 days.  However, I am flexible and willing to set up any reasonable alternatives.

  1. Do you work mostly remotely? Are you willing to travel?

Yes.  I work remotely with all clients using email, Zoom calls, and phone calls to communicate. As needed, weekly meetings are scheduled to provide updates on the grant. Occasionally,  I will travel to conduct training classes upon request.